The Poor Man's Web Service - Introduction


Imagine this (happening all at once):

  1. My 20-month-old son is audibly very happy or sad or both in the adjoining room.
  2. A car honking nearby for some unknown reason.
  3. My phone notifies me about something super interesting that I so badly need to know.
  4. My mind whispers that I can watch the latest episode of my favorite web series with a few clicks right now.
  5. My soul is still agitated from the recent conversation with a friend/relative about uninformed opinions on how to do a startup.
  6. The constant undercurrent of fear about my dwindling savings.
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A Dad's Point of View - First Contact

Hospital room door on the day Gogol was born

“Wake up!!! Wake up!!! My water just broke.”, she said.

“Oh, nice!! Let’s get back to sleep”, I said.

“Hey! Wake Up!! My water just broke!! We are going to have a baby!!”, she said.

It was 2:30 AM at night. The day we had been waiting for, the last 38 weeks, had finally arrived, and we were going to be parents I was going to be a father.

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Tech lessons from an unknown person


The day before yesterday (08-07-2022) I had published a video on YouTube titled

How to Make a memory in myMemoryStore and something amazing and unexpected happened.

No!!! Contrary to popular belief and to my complete amazement the video did not go viral.

Someone unknown to me tried to create a memory. The memory got created but could not be opened. No one complained but I, as the sole developer of the website, took it up as a public embarrassment. The damage was already done but at least having an idea of why it happened and making sure that this does not happen in the future would salvage my honor to some extent.

I put my debugging hat on and started to solve the mystery.

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Being the third kind


One upside to being a shitty blogger is that there is the freedom to write whatever one feels like without the fear of ridicule. I do wish to become a blogger who writes about things people appreciate and want to read regularly. But becoming a better blogger takes time and effort and will happen eventually if I keep on trying. What can be attempted right now is becoming a regular blogger. The only problem with becoming regular is to come up with new ideas regularly. Since I am out of fun ideas this week, I will write about something a little more serious.

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Last few days of 2-getherness

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Early days of 2-getherness(2013) End days of 2-getherness(2020)

First of all, wishing you all a Happy New Year. 2020 has been a very puzzling year for all of us. My heart goes out to anyone who has been through a tough time during the last few months. I hope 2021 is different for all of us. Happier and pandemic free.

Oddly enough, 2020 has been pretty good to me. Like everyone else it has been hugely puzzling but I can actually go ahead and say that this has been a great year.

2020, being a great year might seem like a highly unpopular opinion but I will explain.

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